March 2004
Friday 5th March
Only 10 minutes after we went to bed the trap door slammed: GOTCHA!!
Over the last few days we noticed nibbled on bread, plastic bags
and even bananas so we wondered who this uninvited guest would be.
A bird, bat or maybe a mouse? The mystery got solved pretty quick
when I saw something slip away late at night, which resembled a
BIG mouse. HELP!! I don't want a rat on my boat! Immediate action
was needed! The dock master offered us a rat trap, that turned out
to be a very effective one.
There he was, our little intruder, watching us with fear. The remaining
of the cheese dangling on its hook. As soon as our friend started
nibbling the cheese, the door slammed. Now we’ve got a problem:
What to do with a living rat?
Believe it or not but the following day, Stefan borrowed the bike
of 11 year old Casper and took the animal to Clementi Park to give
it back its freedom. Stefan, I’m proud of you!
Saturday 6th / Sunday 7th & Saturday 13th / Sunday
14th March
We felt that Stefan’s “Optimist Course” at the age of 6, might not
be adequate to sail half of the world. Wouldn’t it be useful to
sign up for a Day Skipper Course? Since Stefan is to stubborn to
take any regular classroom instructions it was quickly decided to
spend the money on Natascha. 
And the money was well spent indeed! I learnt lots about navigation,
knots, man-over-board procedure, leaving and entering Marina’s and
many more things a skipper should know. Our group consisted of two
Swiss, one German, one Brit and yes….one Singaporean too. Luckily
they were all very nice, since one overnighter at the boat was included.
Joerg, our German instructor, knows a lot about diesel engines
too. In a few weeks time he will shine a bit more light on the secret
world of diesel engines. This is exactly what we need! Stefan already
knows quite some diesel engine stuff, but there’s still a lot to
learn. And sure, we have a sailing boat so why needing an engine?
But believe me, there are moments when you really don’t want miss
this “iron sail”.
Thursday 18th March
Stefan called me in my office. “Bad news” he said. I was prepared
for the worst, since Stefan normally is the most positive thinking
one. “Winston doesn’t want to lift our boat from the water since
our mast is too tall. After he spoiled the wind meter of another
yacht recently, he’s not that keen to lift yachts our size”.
Winston was supposed to do all the necessary boat jobs like painting
the deck, antifouling, woodwork, replacing the head, placing new
windows and hatches. We agreed to start on 2nd April and have the
work done in his wharf at Keppel Marina. Shit!! What to do?
One of his friends in Pongol Marina might be willing to take over
the job, but we’re not that fond of this idea. Pongol Marina is
located in the Far East of Singapore. Pretty inconvenient if you
are dependent on taxis. We are persistent and propose to take off
the wind meter and bare the full risk in case anything goes wrong.
Eventually Winston agrees. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!
After going through all the pros and cons
we considered it a wise investment to spend another small fortune
on a forward looking sonar. While it’s interesting to see how many
meters you have under the boot, it’s even better to know what’s
ahead of you. It’s reassuring to know that from now we no longer
need to guess where the reef is but that we can actually see it
appearing ahead of us.
Wednesday 24th
Wednesday is my weekly day off which is a nice opportunity to do
all the necessary jobs you don’t want to do during the week ends.
Since we moved on to the boat it’s no more shopping, sunbathing
and going for facials. Now it’s entertaining fridge repair guys,
engine mechanics and receiving all kinds of supplies that get delivered
to the boat. I’m not complaining too much about the
shopping and the sunbathing bit because I’m barred from spending
money anyway and I’m sure there will be no shortage of sun on our
I'm practising with my yoghurt maker and
bread machine and trying tasty and easy recipes from my cooking
books: “Feast Afloat” en “The Cruising Cuisine”. A considerable
amount of time goes into maintaining this website, which I really
enjoy though.
Saturday 27th March
We received two golden awards for our website
and we're pretty pleased with that. Not bad huh, for a bunch of
