October 2004 - Reunion

La Reunion Island is a small French territory in the South
Indian Ocean lying south-west of Mauritius. It is a useful
stop for yachts sailing from the latter to South Africa.
The marina at Pointe des Galets is well-sheltered and is
better suited for large yachts. Most cruising sailors tend
to stop here. The capital St Denis is 17 km away.
Facilities are much better in the town of St Pierre in the
south of the island where a new marina was recently completed,
right in town. However, after the 2002 hurricanes, reports
are that there is a sand bank at the entrance (depth 1.5 meters)
limiting access. The marina is situated in the centre of town,
berthing rates are good, with places for 30 boats and night
time security. Navigation lights have recently been installed
to permit night entry into the port.
There is also a marina at Saint Gilles les Bains, near the
island's best beaches and a centre for charter operations.
The lush interior of this volcanic island has some stunning
mountain scenery, and many people go walking through the mountains.
It is a last opportunity to stretch one's legs before the
long and possibly rough passage to South Africa.
Juan de Nova, Europa, Bassas da India, Iles Glorieuses and
Tromelin are uninhabited islands near Madagascar. After Madagascan
independence they remained French, and are administered by
the Reunion Commissioner. Tromelin is claimed by both the
Seychelles and Mauritius.
(Source: Noonsite)